Last week, J.D. and I decided to venture out to the movies and wandered over to the Regal El Dorado Hills movie theater. It’s been a while since we’ve gone to the movies and it was a slow night, no lines, and plenty of room to park. We grabbed a bite to eat before deciding which movie to see. We settled on “Pirates of the Caribbean”, but more on that in a minute.
As we purchased our tickets and entered the lobby, the man who took our stubs and directed us, greeted us with a huge smile, demonstrative hello and theatrics that woke us both out of our collective sleep. “Welcome to the fabulous Regal Stadium 14 El Dorado Hills Theater, where tonight you will be seeing “Pirates of the Caribbean” showing in theater number eight, which you will find to be located on your immediate right hand side, right over there (pointing to the right)…and how are you this beautiful evening?” As he gestured to the right, he did a little dip and a bow, like an old time movie valet. “Wow!” I exclaimed. I wanted to hug him. George looked like and reminded me so much of my Grandpa Chet, it was uncanny. J.D. & both instantly bonded with him. J.D.: “Can you do that again?” George without missing a beat: “Welcome to the ….” and he repeated the whole thing without missing a word or a gesture. We all laughed and I thought to myself, “I love this guy…”
As we purchased our tickets and entered the lobby, the man who took our stubs and directed us, greeted us with a huge smile, demonstrative hello and theatrics that woke us both out of our collective sleep. “Welcome to the fabulous Regal Stadium 14 El Dorado Hills Theater, where tonight you will be seeing “Pirates of the Caribbean” showing in theater number eight, which you will find to be located on your immediate right hand side, right over there (pointing to the right)…and how are you this beautiful evening?” As he gestured to the right, he did a little dip and a bow, like an old time movie valet. “Wow!” I exclaimed. I wanted to hug him. George looked like and reminded me so much of my Grandpa Chet, it was uncanny. J.D. & both instantly bonded with him. J.D.: “Can you do that again?” George without missing a beat: “Welcome to the ….” and he repeated the whole thing without missing a word or a gesture. We all laughed and I thought to myself, “I love this guy…”
Ushers from the 30's

As we complimented George once again on his cheerfulness, helpfulness and genuine personality, a guy piped up behind us “I love that guy! Last time we were here he told us all about the incentives, popcorn Tuesdays and all the stuff the other employees never tell you about.” George was not only friendly, but modestly humble, because as we sang his praises in unison, he turned a little shade of bashful pink.
Here’s the deal. As J.D. & I sat through the movie, a couple things occurred to me. First, the movie wasn’t that great. It missed out linking the other two stories together in a way that my 44 year old mind failed to compute and I was bored out of my mind. Secondly, that sweet gentleman in the lobby probably has a much more interesting life story and I wish we could have sat and talked with him more. Lastly, people just aren’t that nice in real life, unless they have perspective. In a single moment, that nice older gent turned my mood around with his wonderful friendly demeanor. How many times a day am I turned off by people in the “customer care” business because they are sour, moody and unhelpful. George could teach a class to all the employees at Regal about what it means to sell and market your business. His “attitude” is his best commodity and he definitely puts on the best face for that theater, I’ll keep going back there probably just because he works there. This is the secret whether you work in a movie theater or at a gas station; be nice, be friendly, act interested, be helpful. Young people listen up – you could learn a lot from George. Business owners I have a tip for you too; it would behoove you to hire retired people because they exhibit a lot of qualities missing from today’s marketplace, that being level headed maturity and real comportment.

George, you brightened our evening more than the silly movie showing on the screen. Our only regret was that you were working. J.D. & I would have liked to take you out to dinner to get to know you.
Regal El Dorado Hills, you have a gem in your midst. Hang onto him – have him train the youngsters. If every business can’t have a George, than every business ought to learn how to be George.
Tammy Maher is a biweekly columnist for the Mountain Democrat. You can reach her by email at or on the web at
Are you serious about that dinner invitation?
Is this George in any way connected to the 'We Were Seinfeld' blog?
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